Nachdem SFX Entertainment Insolvenz angemeldet hat, ist nun doch auch die Zukunft von TomorrowWolrd ungewiss. Gestern wurde noch verlautbart (genauere Informationen dazu findet ihr hier) , dass der Insolvenzantrag des US-Unternehmens keine Auswirkungen auf die Festivals haben würde, doch nun sieht das ganze schon wieder anders aus. Kurz nach den zahlreichen Schlagzeilen über den Insolvenzantrag von SFX Entertainment meldet sich nun das Tomorrowland zu Wort. Die Musikevents in Belgien und Brasilien seien sicher, doch die Zukunft des TomorrowWorld Festials (USA) sei noch ungewiss.
Das US-Unternehmen SFX Entertainment hat große Probleme und das ist keine wirkliche Überraschung. Schon seit Monaten schafft es SFX nicht aus den Schlagzeilen. Nun nach dem Insolvenzantrag, der gestern in den USA eingereicht wurde, fragen sich alle, wie es mit den Festivals weitergehen wird. Denn bekannte Musikveranstaltungen wie das Tomorrowland, TomorrowWorld, Electric Zoo, Mayday, Nature One und noch viele mehr gehören auch zu SFX.
Tomorrowland Pressekoordinator Debby Wilmsen äußerte sich jetzt zu dem Insolvenzantrag und dessen Folgen für das beliebte belgische Festival. Für das TomorrowWorld sieht es jedoch anscheinend nicht so gut aus. Hier könnt ihr euch das gesamte Statement durchlesen:
“Both the festival in Boom (Belgium) and the one in Itu (Sao Paulo, Brazil) will go ahead without any disruption due to the current situation. In light of the present situation, no concrete plans have yet been made for TomorrowWorld 2016.
We are currently exploring all possibilities. Tomorrowland has always worked from a long-term philosophy and in this context, all options are being considered to ensure that, like in Belgium and Brazil, the festival will have a bright future in the United States as well.
In the past few months, it had been clear that SFX, our partner for TomorrowWorld and Tomorrowland Brasil, is experiencing financial difficulties. Last night we received the news that SFX Entertainment, the publicly listed American company founded by Robert F.X. Sillerman, has applied for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from creditors. In the coming weeks, SFX will be undergoing a financial and operational reorganization. SFX Entertainment is a stakeholder in numerous events and projects including Awakenings, Sensation, Nature One, Electric Zoo and Rock in Rio.
Since 2013 we have collaborated with SFX for the foreign editions of Tomorrowland held in the USA and Brazil. However, we have noticed that our vision and goals, including a long-term strategy, are different from those of the publicly listed company.
In 2013 the Dutch company ID&T, which then owned 50% of the shares in Tomorrowland, sold its business to the American SFX. Manu & Michiel Beers then decided to buy back the 50% stake that the Dutch ID&T held in Tomorrowland in Belgium, with the result that for the past two years, the Tomorrowland festival has been 100% Belgian, but this has entailed an obligation to collaborate SFX for the foreign editions.
The Belgian festival Tomorrowland remains the passion and life’s work of the driving forces behind its creation, Manu & Michiel Beers and their young, motivated staff in Antwerp and they intend to continue to bring the same level of ambition to the festivals in Belgium and abroad in the coming years.
The Chapter 11 procedure will have no consequences for Tomorrowland in Boom. The festival in Belgium is created, organized and managed for 100 % by the Belgian team. Tomorrowland Brazil will also take place as planned two months from now in Itu (Sao Paulo). Tomorrowland Brazil is being organized in close consultation with the Belgian team by a motivated Brazilian team that is able to work independently of SFX in North America for all aspects of the event.”